
The colorful, action packed, expressive Hebrew language contains ordained relationships between words that are rarely found in other languages. The word table found in scripture is the Hebrew word shulchan (שחן). You may be familiar with the popular Rabbinic code of Jewish law entitled, Shulchan Aruk. This phrase means literally, preparing the table. In scriptural thought, preparing a table with food created for the body, is synonymous with the purpose of Torah, preparing food for a holy walk. This truth is referred to many times by Yeshua', not the least of which is in Mattityahu (Matthew).

Mattityahu 4:4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

What makes the shulchan even more interesting is that its verbal root is shalach (שלח). This is the common Hebrew word meaning to send forth. The word shalach is translated in the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament) and eventually into the New Testament as apostole (άπόστολος), from which we get the word apostle. As defined in the Tanakh, an apostle is one that is sent forth for a purpose. The function of an apostle, based upon the background of the meaning of the word, is to prepare a table or to provide a proper setting of food to those who are hungry. The apostle's ultimate responsibility is to provide the only true food that YHVH has given to mankind, TORAH.

Shalom Alecheim!