(5 CDs)
And the Spirit of ’Elohiym (God) moved upon the face of the waters.
And ’Elohiym said, Let there be light: and there was light.
— Bere’shiyt (Genesis) 1:2b–3
Brad addresses one of the most controversial subjects for students of Scripture: the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaQodesh). He begins this series by showing, from Scripture, that when someone has received the Word (Seed), they have received the Holy Spirit and the Messiah. In this series, Brad shows that all of the gifts are from the beginning (Tanakh) and not new to His people. Brad tackles the divisive issue of tongues and the operation and ministry of the Spirit of God from the beginning. And yes, just like breathing, they are for us today.
Disc 1: Ministry of the Ruach (Part 1)
Disc 2: Ministry of the Ruach (Part 2)
Disc 3: Manifestations of the Ruach
Disc 4: Gifts of the Ruach
Disc 5: Rejoicing With the Ruach